The Sharp ’71 motorcycle model

> restart: libname := libname,"C:/MBSymba": with(MBSymba_r6):

System modelling

Roberto Lot and Mauro Da Lio
Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference Multibody Dynamics 2003
on Advances in Computational Multibody Dynamics
Instituto Superior Técnico Lisboa, Portugal, July 1-4, 2003

'sin' and 'cosine' functions

> alias(c=cos,s=sin);

> PDEtools[declare](x(t),y(t),psi(t),phi(t),theta1(t),theta4(t),delta(t),psi4(t), Yr(t),Yf(t),gamma1(t),gamma2(t),gamma3(t),gamma4(t), prime=t,quiet):


rear chassis

frame T1, fixed to the rear chassis in absence of roll angle

> T1 := translate(x(t),y(t),0) * rotate('Z',psi(t)):

frame T2, fixed to the rear chassis

> T2 := T1 * rotate('X',phi(t));

center of mass

> Gr := make_POINT(T2,0,0,-h): show(Gr);

> Cryz:=0: Crxy:=0: #because of the simmetry with respect XY plane

> rear_chassis := make_BODY(Gr,mr,Irx,Iry,Irz,Cryz,Crxz,Crxy): show(rear_chassis);

rear wheel

rear wheel reference frame

> TWR := T2 * translate(-b,0,-Rr) * rotate('Y',theta1(t)):

> rear_wheel := make_BODY(TWR,0,0,iry,0): show(rear_wheel,'syntethic');

front chassis

frame T4, fixed to the front chassis (see Sharp paper)

> T4 := T2*rotate('Y',epsilon) * translate(a,0,0)* rotate('Z',delta(t));

> Gf := make_POINT(T4,e,0,f): show(Gf,'syntetic');

> front_chassis := make_BODY(Gf,mf,Ifx,0,Ifz): show(front_chassis,'syntetic');

front wheel

> E := project( make_POINT(T4,lx,0,lz) ,ground): show(E,'syntethic'); wheel center

> TWF := translate(comp_XYZ(E)) * rotate('Z',psi4(t)) * rotate('X',phi4(t)) * rotate('Y',theta4(t));

> front_wheel := make_BODY(TWF,0,0,ify,0): show(front_wheel,'syntethic');


rear wheel contatc point

> Cr := make_POINT(TWR, -Rr*sin(theta1(t)) , 0 , Rr*cos(theta1(t))):

rear wheel contatc force

> make_VECTOR(rotate('Z',psi(t)), 0,Yr(t),Zr):
rear_tire_forces := make_FORCE (%, Cr, rear_wheel, NULL):

front wheel contatc point

> Cf := make_POINT(TWF, -Rf*sin(theta4(t)) , 0 , Rf*cos(theta4(t))):

front wheel contatc force

> make_VECTOR(rotate('Z',psi4(t)), 0,Yf(t),Zf):
front_tire_forces := make_FORCE (%, Cf, front_wheel):


> make_VECTOR(T4, 0,0,tau(t)-C[delta]*diff(delta(t),t)):
steering_torque := make_TORQUE(%, front_chassis,rear_chassis):


front wheel spin axis, defined using front wheel frame

> spin_axis := project(make_VECTOR(TWF,0,1,0),ground): show(spin_axis);

front wheel spin axis, defined using frame T4

> spin_axis_copy :=project( make_VECTOR(T4 ,0,1,0),ground): show(spin_axis_copy);

both definitions must yield the same vector, thus the following constraint equations must be satisfied

It must be observed that only two components of the vectorial equation are independent !!

> spin_X := comp_X(spin_axis)-comp_X(spin_axis_copy);
spin_Z := comp_Z(spin_axis)-comp_Z(spin_axis_copy);

no longitudinal slip allowed

> VCr_euler := project(eulerian_velocity(Cr),T1): show(VCr_euler);

> no_slip_rear := comp_X(VCr_euler);

front wheel

> VCf_euler := project(eulerian_velocity(Cf),rotate('Z',psi4(t))): #show(VCf_euler);

> no_slip_front := comp_X(VCf_euler);


> get_no_objects();

rear lateral force (relaxation equation)

> VCr_abs := project(velocity(Cr),T1);
VSr := comp_X(VCr_abs); VNr := comp_Y(VCr_abs);

> equ_Yr := sigma/'VSr'*diff(Yr(t),t) + Yr(t) - ( Cr1*arctan(-'VNr'/'VSr') +Cr2*phi(t) );

front lateral force (relaxation equation)

> VCf_abs := project(velocity(Cf),rotate('Z',psi4(t))):
VSf := comp_X(VCf_abs); VNf := comp_Y(VCf_abs);
equ_Yf := sigma/'VSf'*diff(Yf(t),t) + Yf(t) - ( Cf1*arctan(-'VNf'/'VSf') +Cf2*phi4(t) );

collect additional equations and variables

> hh := [equ_Yr,equ_Yr]: pp:=[Yr(t),Yf(t)];

Non-Linear Equations of Motion

Assembly Multibody System

> bodies := [rear_wheel,rear_chassis,front_chassis,front_wheel];

> constraints := make_CONSTRAINT([no_slip_rear,no_slip_front,spin_X,spin_Z], [gamma1(t),gamma2(t),gamma3(t),gamma4(t)]): show(constraints);

gravity forces

> for i from 1 to nops(bodies) do
FG[i]:=make_FORCE( make_VECTOR(ground,0,0,bodies[i][mass]*g), CoM(bodies[i]) ,bodies[i]);
end do:


> forces := [rear_tire_forces,front_tire_forces,steering_torque] union [seq(FG[i],i=1..nops(bodies))];

dependent variables

> qq := [x(t), y(t), psi(t), delta(t),phi(t), psi4(t) , phi4(t), theta1(t), theta4(t) ];

equations of motion

> leqns := lagrange_equations(bodies union forces union [constraints] ,qq):

these equations are vety long and complex, indeed

> codegen[cost](leqns);

> #for i from 1 to nc do qq[i]; leqns[i]; od;

> leqns[1];

variable list

> qq union constraints[vars] union [Yr(t),Yf(t)];

Linearized equations for Straight Running Motion

straight running conditions

> straight_run := [ x(t)=V*t ,
y(t)=0, psi(t)=0, phi(t)=0, delta(t)=0, psi4(t)=0, phi4(t)=0, theta1(t)=-V*t/Rr, theta4(t)=-V*t/Rf, Yr(t)=0, Yf(t)=0, seq(constraints[vars][i]=0,i=1..nops(constraints[vars]))];

verify the solution

> map(expand,subs(straight_run,tau(t)=0, leqns));

linearization of Lagrange's equations

> lin_leqns := linearize(leqns, diff(straight_run,t,t) union diff(straight_run,t) union straight_run ):

> codegen[cost](lin_leqns);

> for i from 1 to nops(lin_leqns) do qq[i]; lin_leqns[i]; od;

> lin_constraints := linearize(constraints,qq union diff(qq,t)): show(lin_constraints);

even if non-linear constraints are non-holonomic, the linearization yields to holonomic constraints!!

> lin_constraints[expr][1] :=int(lin_constraints[expr][1],t):
lin_constraints[expr][2]:= int(lin_constraints[expr][2],t):
print("after integration"): show(lin_constraints);

independent coordinates

> zz := [x(t), y(t), psi(t), delta(t), phi(t)];

dependent coordinates

> yy := [phi4(t),psi4(t),theta1(t),theta4(t)];

> change_vars := op(solve(lin_constraints[expr],yy));

velocity projection matrix RR

> #II := Matrix(1..nops(zz),1..nops(zz),1,shape=diagonal): identity matrix - independent coordinates

> #IL := -linalg[genmatrix](change_vars,zz): compute dependent coordinates

> #RR := linalg[stackmatrix](II,IL); assembly the velocity projection matrix

Velocity projection matrix RR (the simplest way)

> subs(change_vars,qq);
#RR := linalg[genmatrix](%,zz);

> lin_independent_leqns := LinearAlgebra[Transpose](RR).Vector(subs(change_vars,lin_leqns)):

> for i from 1 to nops(zz) do zz[i]; collect(lin_independent_leqns[i],diff(zz,t,t) union diff(zz,t) union zz); od;

completion with tires equations

> lin_tire_eqns :=subs(change_vars, linearize([equ_Yr,equ_Yf],diff(straight_run,t) union straight_run) );

assembly equations

> all_eqns := convert(lin_independent_leqns,list) union lin_tire_eqns:

> all_vars := zz union [Yr(t),Yf(t)];

Sharp's equations

Introducing the velocity of point A in moving coordinates (as in the Sharp's paper)

> PDEtools[declare](x1[dot](t),y1[dot](t),prime=t,quiet):

> VA := make_VECTOR(T1,x1[dot](t),y1[dot](t),0): show(VA);

> VA := linearize( project(VA,ground) , [x1[dot](t)=V,y1[dot](t),psi(t)]): show(VA);

> moving_vars := [ diff(x(t),t)=comp_X(VA), diff(y(t),t)=comp_Y(VA) ];

simplify using relations between geometric dependent parasmeters

> global_properties := {
#l = 1/c(epsilon)*(-an+c(epsilon)*k-e+j*s(epsilon)),
f = s(epsilon)*k-c(epsilon)*j,
lx = -an+Rf*s(epsilon),
a = c(epsilon)*k-e+j*s(epsilon),
lz = -1/c(epsilon)*(-s(epsilon)*k*c(epsilon)+c(epsilon)^2*Rf+s(epsilon)*e-j+c(epsilon)^2*j+s(epsilon)*an)
for i from 1 to nops(global_properties) do global_properties[i]: od;

change vars and neglect the X equation

> sharp_leqns := subs(global_properties,moving_vars,all_eqns[2..nops(all_vars)]):
sharp_leqns := map(expand,map(simplify,sharp_leqns,trig)):
sharp_vars := [y1[dot](t), psi(t), delta(t), phi(t), Yr(t), Yf(t)];

> for i from 1 to nops(sharp_leqns) do sharp_vars[i]; collect(sharp_leqns[i], diff(sharp_vars,t) union diff(sharp_vars,t,t) ); od;

reduction to 1st order

> (xx,state_eqns) := first_order(sharp_leqns,sharp_vars,t,flag):
for i from 1 to nops(state_eqns) do xx[i]; collect(state_eqns[i],xx union diff(xx,t)); od;

> 'xx'=xx;

state space formulation

matrix form A1*Xdot = A*(X-X0) + B*(U-U0)

> uu := [tau(t)]; driving vector
(A1,A,B) := implicit_state_space(state_eqns,t,xx,uu):

> j*s(epsilon) = a -c(epsilon)*k+e; A := map(expand,subs(%,map(simplify,A))):

> 'A1'=evalm(A1);
'A'=evalm(A), 'B'=evalm(B);

Stability Analysis

> motorcycle_data := {g = 9.81,
rtf = 0, Rf = 0.3048, Cf1 = 11174, Cf2 = 938.6, sigma = 0.2438,
rtr=0, Rr = 0.3048, Cr1 = 15831, Cr2 = 1325.6,
an = 0.1158, epsilon = 0.4715, l = 0.93468, a=0.9485376,
C[delta] = 6.77, Zf = -1005.3,
mf = 30.65, e = 0.0244, f = 0.0283, Ifx = 1.2338, Ifz = 0.4420, ify = 0.7186,
mr = 217.45, b = 0.4798, h = 0.6157, Irx = 31.18, Irz = 21.07, Crxz = -1.7355, iry = 1.0508 }:

> {k = a*c(epsilon)+f*s(epsilon)+c(epsilon)*e, j = s(epsilon)*a-c(epsilon)*f+s(epsilon)*e}:

> motorcycle_data := motorcycle_data union evalf(subs(motorcycle_data,%));


> save A1,A,B,xx,uu,motorcycle_data,"state_space_symb.m";

numerical state space matrix

> A1N := convert(evalf(subs(motorcycle_data,evalm(A1))),Matrix):

> AN := convert(evalf(subs(motorcycle_data,evalm(A ))),Matrix):

> interface(displayprecision=3):

Eigenvalues and Frequecy Responce Functions

> speed := 20;

> eivals := LinearAlgebra[Eigenvalues](subs(V=speed,AN),subs(V=speed,A1N)):

Frequecy Responce Functions

> freq := 2;

> GG := evalf(subs(V=speed,I*2*Pi*freq*A1N-AN)):

> FRFs := evalm(linalg[inverse](GG) &* B):

> 'eivals'=eivals, convert(convert(xx,array),matrix), 'FRFs'=evalm(FRFs);

Eigenvalues varying speed

speed vector

> speed := [ seq(1.*i,i=1..60)]:

> np := nops(speed):
nn := nops(xx):


> eigen_vals := 'eigen_vals':
for i from 1 to np do
(eigen_vals[i],eigen_vect[i]) := LinearAlgebra[Eigenvectors](subs(V=speed[i],eval(AN)),subs(V=speed[i],eval(A1N)));

Nyquist plot

> #plot( [seq( [[Re(eigen_vals[n][i]),Im(eigen_vals[n][i])] $ ] ,i=1..nn)], style=point, symbol=circle);

> Xrange := -25..5: Yrange := 0..70:

> plot( [seq( [[Re(eigen_vals[n][i]),Im(eigen_vals[n][i])] $ ] ,i=1..nn)], real = Xrange, imag = Yrange, style=point, symbol=circle, color=blue); #, title="Nyquist Plot"

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