by Roberto Lot
> restart: libname := libname, "C:/libs/MBSymba.mla": with(MBSymba_r6):
In MBSymba, each Cartesian reference frames is described by means of a 4x4 transformation matrix T.
Such matrix embeds the frame orientation (3x3 rotation matrix R) and frame origin (3x1 vector A) with respect a unique master frame, which is by default an inertial reference frame called ground.
> show(ground);
Reference frames may easily be contructed by combining basic rotation and translation operators
Translation operator
translational operator translate
> TA := translate(xA,yA,zA);
Rotation operators
rotation operator rotate
rotation about X axis by phi
> Rx := rotate('X',phi);
> evalm(Rx &* P);
rotation around Y axis by mu and around Z axis by psi
> Ry := rotate('Y',mu);
Rz := rotate('Z',psi);
Combination of Transformations
> alias (S=sin,C=cos);
transformations may be combined by multiplying basic transformation operators, starting from left to right
> psi, phi, mu; yaw, roll and pitch angle
overall transformation matrix is
> TT := rotate('Z',psi) * rotate('X',phi) * rotate('Y',mu);
BE CAREFUL: transformation concatenation is not commutative, a change in the transformation order yields a different transformation matrix
> rotate('X',phi) * rotate('Y',mu);
rotate('Y',mu) * rotate('X',phi);
Angular velocity
If you define a time variant transformation matrix
> TT := rotate('X',phi(t)) * rotate('Y',mu(t));
you may easy compute the angular velocity as follows:
> Omega := angular_velocity(TT): show(Omega);