> restart: mylib :="C:/LIBS": libname := mylib,libname: with(MBSymba_r5):
MBSymba release 5.1 - Copyright (C) 2009 - by Roberto.Lot@unipd.it & Matteo.Massaro@unipd.it
Warning, Non-Linear Modeling option has been choosen
> PDEtools[declare]([x(t),y(t),z(t), ux(t),vx(t),wx(t), uy(t),vy(t),wy(t), uz(t),vz(t),wz(t)] , prime=t, quiet):
pendulum description
suspended plate
frame TN, fixed to the plate
> TN := < < ux(t),uy(t),uz(t), 0> |
< vx(t),vy(t),vz(t), 0> |
< wx(t),wy(t),wz(t), 0> |
< x(t), y(t), z(t), 1> >;
center of mass
> G := make_POINT(TN, l/4,0,0):# show(G);
plate inertia
> plate := make_BODY(G,m,Ix,Iy,Iz,Cyz,Cxz,Cxy): show(plate);
gravity force
> gravity_force := make_FORCE (ground, 0,0,-m*g, G, plate):
plate vertex definition
plate vertex
> A := make_POINT(TN,l*sqrt(3)/2, 0, 0): show(A,'synthetic');
B := make_POINT(TN, 0, l/2, 0): show(B,'synthetic');
C := make_POINT(TN, 0, -l/2, 0): show(C,'synthetic');
check vertex disctance
> AB := make_VECTOR(A,B): BC := make_VECTOR(B,C): CA := make_VECTOR(C,A):
dot_prod(AB,AB), dot_prod(BC,BC), dot_prod(CA,CA);
ground vertex definition
> A0 := make_POINT(ground,l*sqrt(3)/2, 0, h): show(A0,'synthetic');
B0 := make_POINT(ground, 0, l/2, h): show(B0,'synthetic');
C0 := make_POINT(ground, 0, -l/2, h): show(C0,'synthetic');
Coordinates and Constraints
dependent coordinates
> q := [x(t),y(t),z(t), ux(t),vx(t),wx(t), uy(t),vy(t),wy(t), uz(t),vz(t),wz(t)];
nq := nops(q);
since 12 coordinates are used for describing a 3 dof system, 9 independent constraints equations must be found
rigid body constraints
these constraints are obtainde from the orthonormal property of the rotation submatrix
> evalm(inv_frame(TN) &* TN - 1);
> constraints := convert(%,set) minus {0}:
for i from 1 to nops(constraints) do i, constraints[i]; od;
ground-plate vertex distance constraints
> A0A := make_VECTOR(A0,A): c1 := dot_prod(A0A,A0A)-h^2;
> B0B := make_VECTOR(B0,B): c2 := dot_prod(B0B,B0B)-h^2;
> C0C := make_VECTOR(C0,C): c3 := dot_prod(C0C,C0C)-h^2;
update constraints
> constraints := convert( constraints union { c1,c2,c3} ,list):
Non-Linear Lagrange's equations
kinetic energy
> KE := kinetic_energy(plate);
generalized forces
> Qforce := map(simplify,generalized_force(gravity_force,q));
Lagrange's equations
> LL := KE-GE + sum('lambda||k(t)'*constraints['k'],'k'=1..nops(constraints)): lagrangian
> leqns := [seq(lagrange(LL,q[i],t) - Qforce[i] , i=1..nq)]:
> for i from 1 to nq do i,q[i]; leqns[i]; od;
The result is a set on n=12 Lagrange's equations (2nd order differential equations) plus f=9 constraint equations (algebraic equations).
The unknowns are n=12 coordinates plus f=9 Lagrange's multipliers
Baumgarte's method
The Differential-Algebraic set of equations is being transformed into a pure Differential set of equations
> baumgarte := convert( evalm(omega^2*constraints + 2*zeta*omega*diff(constraints,t) + diff(constraints,t,t)) ,list):
for i from 1 to nops(baumgarte) do i; baumgarte[i]; od;
The Lagrange's multipliers are algebraic unknowns, but they may be easily transformed into a differential form
> SL := [seq(lambda||i(t)= gamma||i(t)+tau*diff(gamma||i(t),t), i=1..nops(constraints))];
assembly variables and equations
> all_vars := q union [seq(gamma||i(t), i=1..nops(constraints))];
all_eqns := subs(SL,leqns) union baumgarte:
> for i from 1 to nops(all_vars) do i,all_vars[i]; all_eqns[i]; od;